Hey guys! Before I even start, some of you have been very loyal readers (you know who you are, thank you!) and I wanted to update you on a recent venture of mine. I will obviously continue working on this blog, because I’m a writer at heart, not a talker. But I also have a YouTube channel where I upload two videos a week - one being a Beauty video and the other being a Desi entertainment video (Bollywood, Pakistani dramas, movie reviews, etc). So please do subscribe! I’m including the link below!
My YouTube Channel
Since I've been missing in action for a while, I figured I'd update you on what I'm watching at present - and since I don't have an abundance of time to write "essays" for each show, I figured I'd just summarize my thoughts very quickly on each show. Let's get started!
Tou Dil Ka Kya Hua
To say this show is frustrating would be an understatement. There are an abundance of "mean spirited" characters and it's like manipulation is around every corner. Love is a game of musical chairs and the person can be substituted at the snap of a finger. That being said, what really strikes me about this drama are the
emotions depicted. Many people that I know who have seen this drama complain about the "lack of realism." And I completely disagree. I think once you've seen a certain aspect of the world and human beings, you realize that this drama is depicting a reality - a warped reality, but this world
exists. A world where human emotions are fickle, people are selfish in their wants and desires and playing games is the norm. If Bollywood is escapism, Pakistani dramas can be painfully realistic - and this is one such drama that is
emotionally very realistic. However, it does not have that exciting pull that other dramas have and the characters are
pitifully lacking character and morals, even our "nice guys." That's where this drama loses major points.
It's very difficult for me to "ship" anything about this love story, because the character of Mir Hadi is so downright rotten. And somehow, despite my internal fury towards this situation and what will ultimately become a romantic drama, I'm having a hard time resisting the pull of Feroze & Sana's chemistry. It speaks volumes of Feroze's acting power where every time he plays a negative character (Khaani, Gul E Rana), you find yourself rooting for his character on a level. I don't know what to expect from the outcome of this drama and I hope it's not neatly, sweetly wrapped up in a romance, because that goes against my idea that if we show female weakness on television, that's what young minds will further be trained to think. And YET, I squeal and smile through all Feroze & Sana's scenes together, because this really IS a very interesting, gripping "romance." Oh, what a tangled web we weave. Haha. This show has fast become my favorite show on television.
Mujhe Jeene Do
This story is chaos. Lying, betrayal and abuse of a minor. Despite the chaos though, at the bottom of it all, this is
reality. Saira's circumstances to step in as a child bride to care for her older sister's child and husband was heart-breaking, but what's now even more heart-breaking is that her circumstances haven't improved. It's hard to see Shamu and Saira now grown up and, so obviously in love with each other - something they probably don't even realize - and yet, they can't do a thing about it, as Saira is already married. It's hard to know how to feel about these characters, because they are all involved in something "bad" (child marriage), but as it's their version of normal, they are also victims of the practice. Every single actor is doing an incredible job (well, maybe except Hania, who has a lot of weak moments regarding her acting skills) and this sort of ensemble cast is what dream-dramas are made of. This show is great and, in my opinion,
ridiculously underrated. I don't hear it being spoken about enough!
Alif Allah Aur Insaan
What am I watching? Why am I watching it? Why has this influx of new characters taken over my screen when I don't care about them AT ALL? Why is Zameen (Zareen? What's her name?) marrying Arsalan over Sikandar? Like....seriously?! This is so ridiculous. I just wait for scenes featuring Ushna, Mekaal, Shahzad and Kubra, because the rest of it has become so "faltu." I'm hoping it'll pick up eventually, but it's taking a really scenic route....and I hope the destination doesn't require another 20 episodes.
Aisi Hai Tanhai

This drama both fascinates me and infuriates me. It fascinates me because the topic is SO valid and very prevalent! It infuriates me because the behavior and the "blame game" is not logical on any level. Let's discuss for a moment. The basic storyline is that Pakeeza (Sonya Hussain) and Hamza (Sami Khan) are college sweethearts and really care for each other. A discussion happens after a classmate of theirs suffers a tragedy and Pakeeza makes Hamza feel that she doesn't completely trust him. In an effort to PROVE to him that she DOES trust him, she sends him some pictures. What is in those pictures is left to the imagination, but I think we can all figure that out. Suddenly, Hamza & Pakeeza's rishta breaks off, Pakeeza's sister (played by Nadia Khan) gets divorced before her Rukhsati even happens and the whole world blames Pakeeza for being of poor character. And....well, what happens after all of this is just really pushing my brain in a way that I can't digest. I like this show, because it shows a true face of our society, but at the same time....Pakeeza's mother's actions are downright rotten and I don't even understand WHY any of these characters got themselves into the situation that they are in at present. I don't know. BUT, something I do want to say is this: When Sonya Hussain first started acting a few years ago, she was my LEAST favorite actress of all time. She has improved
unbelievably, to the point that I really feel she's talented and wish she would act in more dramas. Also, this OST is a song I grew up listening to a lot as a kid, but Rahat infuses new life into it and I have found myself listening to his rendition a lot lately.
Darr Si Jaati Hai Sila
Oh my goodness, what do I say about this show? Okay, short version. So I really like the story and the cast is very talented, so acting isn't an issue at all. That being said, the behavior of these characters really perplexes me and makes me think the entire household is insane. With the exception of Zaini (this actress is really good, by the way) and her parents and Raheel (who is a little bit of a "lallu," but nice), the entire family is crazy. But what's irritating is not only how Sila behaves, but also how her mother behaves and how they communicate
with each other. If her purpose is to protect her daughter, why isn't she honest with her? Why don't they trust each other? Why does Sila believe that a man so seedy would be the man her mother would choose to be in an illicit relationship with? Why doesn't Sila TALK TO ANYONE? She clearly has a tongue in her mouth, because it moves pretty rapidly with her mother! WHY? WHYYYYY? Oh my goodness. I just can't deal with this drama, it actually gives me anxiety. Yumna Zaidi is doing a great job, I just wish there was more depth and better characterization for her character. Noman Ejaz is incredible as always. And again, special mention to the girl who plays Zaini, because she oozes confidence and talent. I won't say I'm "looking forward" to how this progresses, but I am interested....
In the initial episodes, this drama had me pulling out my hair with irritation and I was actually about to give up and discard it from my list. Thank God I didn't, because at present, this is one of my favorite shows. Daldal has shown the plight of an illegal immigrant and what his family left behind goes through with so much.....I think the correct word would be
agony. When people imagine the "immigrant dream," they don't take into account what immigrants actually go through when they come to a new country (and in this case, HOW they GET there) and have to start over. No one realizes what their families go through when their loved ones are unable to
come back due to immigration status. It's a hard life and it's both refreshing and miserable watching the story of Shuja and Hira. Special mention to Muneeb Bhatt as Kamran, because he's the best character on the show.
I haven't been able to make it past episode 2 of this show yet, but the cast is incredible and I'm loving it so far. I can't comment much on the story, because it hasn't taken off just yet as far as I've seen. But the acting prowess of Savera Nadeem combined with Mohsin Abbas' excellent comedic timing is a winner (so far)!
Teri Raza
This show was my favorite when it began. I loved the story, I loved the characters and I loved the overall feel of the show. Then Suhana (Sanam Baloch) became pretty selfish, crazy and downright irritating. This show feels like a marriage musical chairs at this point, because we know Suhana will not remain with Rameez for much longer. Also, Suhana's relationship with her father is downright ridiculous. They are BOTH so disrespectful to each other, it hurts my head to watch. Something solid needs to happen in this show now in order for it to pick up, unfortunately. Sarmad Khoosat as Imtiaz is the highlight of this show. Any woman would love to have a husband like Imtiaz and Sarmad's ability to be in many different shows airing at once on TV and play such DIVERSELY different characters is a testament to his acting skill (Baaghi, Mujhe Jeene Do, Manto, Teri Raza). I'm still watching, but this is beginning to drag.
What was once the best show on television has slowed in pace to a point where I'm left wondering what on earth is happening? It's still interesting and the actors/characters/story make it very enjoyable to watch. But at this point, nothing is
happening. I feel like this story deserves a tighter, more solid script - which, to be fair, it has had up until the last 4 episodes. It has kind of slowed down since then. But with the "kuch saal baad" leap, I'm hoping to see a pick-up in pace now. Still loving it.
Honesty is the best policy. This drama is something I waited for.....for a really long time. But it is, unfortunately, too artsy for me. I love art cinema, I love art movies, but this is "over my head" kind of art. I feel like I'm in a constant state of being high (which I have never been, but I imagine this is what it's like) while watching this. So, for that reason, I have dropped it from my list. Maybe once it finishes airing, I can pick it up again (if I'm going through a bored moment). But I do love Sarmad Khoosat, so it hurts my heart to drop this.
What is happening?! First of all, this show makes me feel like all these characters are living in an alternate reality where they look like they live in 2017 (2018?), but they act like they live in the 1960s. The characters in this show are either really badtameez or really lachaar. There is little middle ground of "normalcy." That's all I really want to say right now. I love this show, but the current track is doing my head in with Tippu acting literally insane.
This is one of those shows that I watch only because I can't stop myself. It's like I want to quit on it, but it's so darn addictive that I can't. This is not a "good" show. This is a show where women are either really meek or they are so chalaak that they can destroy their family to get their own way. In my world, if a man doesn't love you, you don't crush the woman he loves (your SISTER) in order to "get him." In my world, an educated girl isn't essentially SOLD out to be a
servant. In my world, a man doesn't completely distrust a girl, fall in love with that girl's sister and then suddenly trust everything said (evil) girl says, falling into her manipulation. In my world, when you think a woman has betrayed you and her family has treated her badly, you don't agree to marry her younger sister. There are other women in the world! In my world, an educated man doesn't fall for a servant just because he bumps into her and she looks mildly sweet. As you can see, there is SO MUCH wrong with this show. Everything is wrong with this show (except for the beautiful cast). But somehow, you just HAVE to see a happy ending for Zara's character (Irsa?)....so I'm sticking to it. Blah.
Alright guys! That's it. Those are the shows I'm watching at present. Some are good, some not so much. I promise to write again soon! Thanks for reading, until next time, happy watching!