I figured there could be no better foray into blogging about dramas than simply going over the shows I'm currently invested in. This is currently my "standing-strong" list of shows that I'm still excited to watch each week, give or take a weak episode here or there.
Phir Wohi Mohabbat
Phir Wohi Mohabbat has consistently been my go-to favorite show over the last two months. I binge-watched the first 9 episodes initially and have since been keeping up with the show with great interest each week. The story follows two sisters married to two brothers, their family relationships and their children - Waleed and Alishba. Alishba was kidnapped as a child and her re-entrance into the famiy fold and entry into Waleed's life forms the crux of the show. The story is complex enough that the dramatics have not felt forced, the relationships are endearing, the love story between Waleed & Alishba very realistic and natural.
However, with the last two episodes (episode 15 & 16), the story has taken an irritatingly unnatural twist with Ramsha's irritating "zidd" to throw Sana back into Waleed's life. I can understand sibling rivalry, but Ramsha's character has slowly gone from a woman with complexes to a typical Indian serial vamp. Ditto with the character of Sana, who has suddenly gone from an independent, career-oriented woman with no real emotional connections to being a pathetic, pitiful shell of a character who is now intent on marrying a man who never cared about her and already has a wife! Now, I'm just waiting for Sheharyar to re-enter as Sana's partner in crime and Ramsha's accomplice. That's the only ridiculous twist left, honestly.
That being said, this drama is still my favorite for two simple reasons:
1) I love the chemistry between Hania Amir and Ahmed Ali. They look beautiful together as Waleed and Alishba and share such a comfort level on-screen that you almost believe they are a real-life couple.
2) The story has some really great characters, namely Alishba and Samra (Zainab Qayyum). The character of Samra is a smart, intelligent woman who knows how to handle her family relationships. Where this character could've been playing into Ramsha's hands, she is not and is instead teaching her daughter how to keep her husband's love. It's refreshing. I also appreciate that both brother characters of Ashar and Yasir are strong men who have upheld their relationship despite the issues between their wives.
This show is still #1 on my list of favorite dramas and while I haven't liked the last two episodes, I'm hoping the show pulls out of its Ekta Kapoor style soon and comes back into its own.
Tou Dil Ka Kya Hua
Episode one has aired and I'm left thinking "What on earth?" Seeing Ayeza Khan and Zahid Ahmed in such blatantly beyond-grey-almost-into-black characters is not only a refreshing change, but also makes this drama all the more intriguing.
Honestly speaking, I can already see the morality police screaming after episode one about the lack of morals and values in Pakistani shows these days. But honestly, I enjoy seeing things like this in dramas. It depicts a reality in society - not every guy or girl gets married and automatically lives happily ever after. Not every person is capable of adjusting after marriage, not built to make the sacrifices and compromises that are expected of them.
The first episode is really intense and, honestly, pretty bold. I'm already hooked. I'm just wondering where the show will be headed from here. The ensemble cast is
really great. With names like Sami Khan, Ayeza Khan, Zahid Ahmed, Mansha Pasha, Noor Khan, Imran Ashraf, Usman Peerzada, Behroz Sabzwari, etc and produced by Samina Hamayun Saeed, this is a show to look out for and I'm expecting great things from it.
Yakeen Ka Safar
Intense. Grim. Painfully real. Depicts the true reality of our society. These are the first things that come to mind when describing this drama. "Gumaan ke baad yakeen ka safar" - so far, there is so much gumaan and I'm still clinging on with my fingernails for some yakeen to begin.
Sajal Ali's story as Zubia is interesting, but I'm waiting for it to really take off. While I'm glad her once-evil father has had a change of heart, it goes to show that your children end up being a mirror of their parents. To see her once-loving brother Rehan turn against her thanks to their upbringing (and her evil Bhabi) is disheartening and absolutely realistic. I'm looking forward to watching her interactions with Asfandyar (Ahad Raza Mir).
On the other end, we've been seeing Daniyal (Shaz Khan) fighting to defend the honor of his client - however, he's taking on the son of a politician and that's put him in a dangerous position. In the latest episode, we witnessed a huge twist with Daniyal being shot. Will he make it? Did he die? That's what I'm waiting for anxiously. Shaz Khan's chemistry with Hira Salman is seriously adorable, so I am hoping this isn't the end for the duo. Things are looking grim though....
All in all, this is an intense drama and not for anyone looking for something light-hearted. The story is solid though and I'm expecting for it to only get better from here (hopefully).
Teri Raza
One episode in and I'm a little on the fence about this one. Sanam Baloch is LOVE and I'm so excited to see her on screen again. She's been missing from the scene for so long and she is always associated with quality projects. On the other end, Shehroz Sabzwari has yet to prove himself as an actor and his pairing with Sanam isn't incredibly appealing. In the first episode alone, we've heard "istikhaara" and "Wazeefa" mentioned over 1,000 times, so the theme of the show is very clear. This show will either be very nicely handled or very over-the-top and I fear the latter.
Regardless, I am enjoying Sanam's performance a lot. She's always a treat to watch with very natural, realistic acting. I'll be watching this one closely.
Alif Allah Aur Insaan
I am VERY behind on this particular show and I thought, instead of waiting to catch up before publishing this post, I would simply give my thoughts on the show overall (up until what I've seen). While this show is certainly not the first on this particular topic - Veena with Fahad Mustafa brought it to light years ago and most recently, Khuda Mera Bhi Hai did an amazing job of displaying the real emotions and attitudes attached to the "third gender" to light -, it is nice to see such a stellar ensemble cast working to tackle the issue. The first episode was almost immediately gripping, pulling the viewer in. Yes, overall, the show can tend to be melodramatic with exaggerated dialogues and larger-than-life emotions (compared to the subtle performance by Furqan Qureshi in KMBH), but I'm appreciating the narrative regardless. I am too behind to comment on anything further, so this may get a separate post once I am caught up.

Overall, I really liked this show. It was light, it was romantic, it had a lot of family drama. Then this latest cancer angle happened and now I'm completely on the fence about it. It has taken a very dark turn and not necessarily for the better. While I didn't agree with the spontaneous, selfish behavior of the lead characters, I at least felt like the situation was endearing in a way, filled with emotional drama and conflict between love and family. But now, it has simply taken a grim turn, one that feels like yet another case of "OK, we wrote this much of the story, but didn't think beyond that. Now what? How do we bring everyone together again? OH! ILLNESS!" I'm not enjoying that. HOWEVER, the reason I'm still interested in the show is actually - surprise! - the chemistry between Ghana Ali and Faris Shafi (Zara and Ali). The twist in their relationship actually came as a pleasant surprise and I'm really interested in seeing how that plays out. Otherwise, I wouldn't rate this show too highly.
Mohabbat Tumse Nafrat Hai
This show is slow. It has taken 14 episodes for the show to finally begin having a
story. At heart, Mohabbat Tumse Nafrat Hai is a love triangle between Maheen (Aiza Khan), Waqar (Imran Abbas) and Gulraiz (Shahzad Shaikh). But with all three playing the roles of cousins, this love story has family involvement at every turn. The show is slow. The dialogues are slow. Each sentence is laced with melodrama and heavy, shayaraana dialogue.
That being said, this show has
heart. That's what it really has going for it. The family relationships are presented so realistically. Despite the conflict with both Waqar and Gulraiz being in love with Maheen, the drama is kept to a minimum. The "adult characters" all love their children, so the way their reactions have been depicted is just beautiful. Special credit has to be given to Sabreen Hisbani and Khalid Malik as Gulraiz's parents (this casting is ridiculous though, these actors are young!). The relationship they have with their son is such a treat to watch, as is their behavior towards the situation.
It's not perfect, but I'm enjoying the overall feel. Plus, it has an excellent ensemble cast.
Yeh Raha Dil
I am so on the fence about this show. I love the actors. I love the treatment of the show overall. I love the feel, the way it has been directed. I love Ahmed Ali and Yumna Zaidi together.
HOWEVER, I lost interest in this show once the two lead females became sisters. Unbelievable, unrealistic and annoying. I found that twist unpalatable and very "Rang" (Bollywood movie) to make two sisters fight over one man.
That being said, Ahmed Ali is really coming into his own as an actor and I always love him & Yumna together in any show, so I somehow can't let go of this one - though I had abandoned it some weeks back, I'm back to watching it. I'm pretty sure this one is close to ending, so I'm just enjoying the last few episodes.
I am EAGERLY anticipating
Baaghi with Saba Qamar. I have previously written about my reaction on Qandeel Baloch and her life and I hope this drama carries a narrative that Pakistan desperately needs to see, understand and comprehend - that women have a RIGHT to live their lives whichever way they see fit, regardless of whether society accepts them or not. No one has the right to take a life based on "honor." I consider myself to be a conservative girl - I did not appreciate Qandeel's actions while she was alive. However, while she WAS alive, I openly stated that considering her life circumstances, I think she has every right to now live her life the way she likes. And that's what I believe. That's what I hope this drama carries with it as a message. I don't want to see "bad girl Qandeel, women this is how you should not be" as the message - though I doubt it will be, considering the names attached to it (Umera, Saba, Osmaan, Ali Kazmi).
I was very interested in watching
Muqaabil, but I haven't had the chance to pick it up yet - plus, there's a lot of catch up involved there. If it's worth it, please do let me know! I also have thrown aside
Rasm-E-Dunya, because despite loving the cast, I could not stomach the melodrama involved. It was too sad, too miserable and too....pointless.
Dil E Jaanam is also the FIRST Zahid Ahmed drama I have not watched, nor do I have any interest in watching it thanks to the talentless lead actress.
Alright, that's all for now, guys! This was a huge post for me, especially with playing catch-up. I will try to be more consistent from here onward. Until next time, happy watching!